Pick of the day

Killed By Cows

This is not the time to wonder,

as they thunder towards you,

whether they are cows or bulls.

Just run.

You have wandered into a zone

that seemed dangerous to none.

They low and moo and charge,

No thoughts of darkness anywhere,

but this is how life gets you unawares.

and you are there thinking calmly,

how meadow soft their milk white eyes

even as they stampede.

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Story of the week


The Guardian website is showing me the latest trends I need to update my wardrobe. 'Retro' seems to be a thing.Read more

Poem of the week

Killed By Cows

This is not the time to wonder,

as they thunder towards you,

whether they are cows or bulls.

Just run.

You have wandered into a zone

that seemed dangerous to none.

They low and moo and charge,

No thoughts of darkness anywhere,

but this is how life gets you unawares.

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'Gift, a son's story' by Dan Seagrave - out now!

I'm very pleased to announce the publication of 'Gift, a son's story' by Dan Seagrave. Dan writes as HarryC on ABCTales and is one of our most talented writers.

You can order your copy here (free on Kindle Unlimited)

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Story and Poem of the Week, and Inspiration Point, posted by di_hard

Story and Poem of the Week, and Inspiration Point, posted by di_hard

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Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the month of February, very kindly chosen by Mark Burrow

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Free Online Event!

Free online event. Saturday March 22nd 11.30am

Six brilliant writers, six great talks!

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Want to join ABCTales?

We've had to suspend the automatic joining facility for a while so if you would like to join us please email 

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Posting From Your Android Phone - Fixed!

Some of you have been having issues with posting your work using an android phone. Ewan and John our techie have been working really hard to fix this.

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Bee's Journey

Picks of the Month

A series of horses decreasing in size

  My parents had at least three children Read more

Goose-Stepping Down Main Street

I’m too old to start goose stepping. Duck walks I can handle—my declining years having given me no choice. But it should make it easier to duck behind the sofa, lobbing a brick or two, when the Hats come calling.

So it goes, as the man once said.

Though, I don’t expect the Hats to be so polite as to ring the doorbell.

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View all Picks of the Month